Letter: Ban Native American mascots in schools, protect reproductive choice

Posted 11/25/21

I implore Representative Rabb to take further action on the memorandums that he delivered in the past month, specifically regarding those that want to ban Native American mascots in schools and enforce reproductive responsibility.

I appreciate the fact that he supports the idea that women, trans men, and nonbinary people should have the right to choose what they do with their bodies, unlike the governor of Texas. However, I do not think his memorandum that hopes to enforce reproductive responsibility is a great counter to the Texas legislation that bans abortion. I believe that everyone …

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Letter: Ban Native American mascots in schools, protect reproductive choice


I implore Representative Rabb to take further action on the memorandums that he delivered in the past month, specifically regarding those that want to ban Native American mascots in schools and enforce reproductive responsibility.

I appreciate the fact that he supports the idea that women, trans men, and nonbinary people should have the right to choose what they do with their bodies, unlike the governor of Texas. However, I do not think his memorandum that hopes to enforce reproductive responsibility is a great counter to the Texas legislation that bans abortion. I believe that everyone should have the right to bodily autonomy. But responding to governmental reproductive control by introducing another legislative matter that allows the government to have more reproductive control does not really change anything. I feel as though his point in writing this memorandum was to point out the absurdity that is the Texas abortion law, but I think a better approach would be explaining why the abortion law is wrong and outlawing laws like that in areas like Pennsylvania.

I do however appreciate and fully support his motives behind wanting to ban Native American mascots in schools, due to the racist intentions schools have for keeping them intact. I think it is an important step that should be taken not only in schools but also in sports and other widespread organizations. I want to thank him for his commitment to change.

Shawnette James
