202 results total, viewing 1 - 20
This “love note” to our newspaper recently arrived as a voicemail from a former Chestnut Hill neighbor. We thought we’d share it. more
Pedestrian safety can be addressed by also enforcing parking regulations. more
A pedestrian safety meeting was held Jan. 15 in Chestnut Hill. The following summarizes a letter sent to these officials after the meeting. more
I read last week about the closing of Zsa's. Good news, though, is Scoopful Delights at 7060 Germantown Ave. more
I loved so much reading Len Lear’s article entitled “Former Dancer, Mt. Airy Yoga Teacher Moves ‘With Love'." more
We are recyclers from way back. There’s never been an item in my crosshairs that I believe can’t be recycled. more
A fresh copy of The Local is one of my simple pleasures in life.  more
In 2024, Friends of Pastorius Park (FoPP) proudly advanced our mission of preserving and enhancing the park. more
Philadelphia is losing its natural beauty and health — over 6% of its urban tree canopy has vanished in just 10 years. more
As the debate rages over the 76ers’ proposal to construct an arena near Chinatown, a possible compromise solution is being offered. more
On behalf of the Chestnut Hill Community Association, I am thrilled to invite you to this year’s Holiday House Tour. more
We did it again! As a community, we united to host another fantastic holiday parade. more
“The Thanksgiving Play” by Larissa FastHorse, now at Stagecrafters Theater, is a razor-sharp satire about cultural sensitivity gone awry. more
Today we reaped the benefits of small town living. more
SEPTA's problems can be more productively addressed if you see them within a larger regional system. more
As a member of the Philly Transit Rider Union (TRU), I have grave concerns about potential SEPTA service cuts and fare increases. more
I want to thank state Rep. Tarik Khan for the information about increased help for Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers. more
What is a broadleaf evergreen, you might ask, or why do I need to water them now? more
As autumn arrives and trees shed their colorful foliage, it's more than a seasonal shift for insects and invertebrates. more
Following the officially designated trails while utilizing the established yield pattern is at the foundation of our position. more
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