Crime Report

Posted 2/8/24

The following is for crimes reported in Chestnut Hill and Mt. Airy for the period from Jan. 29 to Feb. 5. (Some crimes that occurred on dates earlier than the current period but weren’t reported until later may be included.) 

Chestnut Hill:

Jan. 24 Shoplifting. The manager of the wine and spirits store located on the 8700 block of Germantown Avenue reported that a man left the store with a bottle of tequila shoved down his pants that he did not pay for. 

Jan. 24 Shoplifting. An employee at CVS, located on the 7700 block of Germantown Avenue, reported that a man left …

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Crime Report


The following is for crimes reported in Chestnut Hill and Mt. Airy for the period from Jan. 29 to Feb. 5. (Some crimes that occurred on dates earlier than the current period but weren’t reported until later may be included.) 

Chestnut Hill:

Jan. 24 Shoplifting. The manager of the wine and spirits store located on the 8700 block of Germantown Avenue reported that a man left the store with a bottle of tequila shoved down his pants that he did not pay for. 

Jan. 24 Shoplifting. An employee at CVS, located on the 7700 block of Germantown Avenue, reported that a man left the store with food and laundry detergent that he did not pay for. 

Feb. 1 Vandalism. A woman reported having her car window broken while parked near the Wissahickon Trail entrance on West Northwestern Avenue. Her purse, iPod, wallet and credit cards were stolen.

Feb. 2 Theft. A purse was stolen inside of Fairview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, located on the 100 block of Bethlehem Pike. 

Feb. 2 Burglary. Cash registers were stolen from the Primo Hoagies, located on the unit block of Bethlehem Pike. One of the store’s front windows was broken. 

Feb. 4 Vandalism. A woman reported having her car window broken while parked near the Wissahickon Trail entrance near Valley Green and Wolcott Drives. Her purse was stolen.

Feb. 4 Theft of motor vehicle parts. A man reported having the license plate stolen from his vehicle, which was parked on the 200 block of East Meade Street.

Mt. Airy:

Jan. 24 Shoplifting. A witness reported seeing four juveniles leave the Mt. Airy Wawa, located on the 7200 block of Germantown Avenue, with snacks they did not pay for.

Jan. 24 Robbery. A man reportedly jumped the pharmacy counter at the CVS, located on the 7000 block of Lincoln Drive, and held the pharmacist at gunpoint as he stole oxycodone and Percocet.

Jan. 30 Theft from motor vehicle. A woman returned to her vehicle, which was parked on the 6700 block of Germantown Avenue, to find her firearm missing from inside.

Jan. 30 Theft from motor vehicle. A man returned to his vehicle, which was parked on the 6600 block of Musgrave Street, to find it missing.

Jan. 30 Theft. A complainant reported having a package stolen from their home, which is located on the 1300 block of East Johnson Street.

Jan. 30 Aggravated assault. A woman reported having a man point a gun at her during a domestic dispute. The incident occurred on the 200 block of West Upsal Street.

Jan. 30 Motor vehicle theft. A complainant reported their car going missing from the 7200 block of Lincoln Drive.

Jan. 30 Motor vehicle theft. A complainant reported their car going missing from the 6800 block of McCallum Street.

Jan. 30 Motor vehicle theft. A complainant reported their car going missing from the 200 block of West Upsal Street.

Jan. 31 Burglary. A man returned to his apartment on the 200 block of West Sedgwick Street to find cash and other items stolen from inside.

Feb. 1 Vandalism. A man returned to his car, which was parked on the 7200 block of Crittenden Street, to find his window broken and steering column damaged.

Feb. 1 Motor vehicle theft. A complainant reported their car going missing from the 200 block of East Durard Street.

Feb. 1 Shoplifting. A man was observed leaving the wine and spirits store, located on the 7200 block of Germantown Avenue, with liquor he did not pay for.

Feb. 1 Burglary. Police arrived on the scene at Golden Crust Pizzeria, located on the 7100 block of Germantown Avenue, to find a broken front door window and empty cash registers inside that had been stolen. 

Feb. 1 Robbery. A man was tackled in front of his house, located on the 400 block of Pleasant Street, by two men who beat him. They made off with the $200 they stole from his pockets.

Feb. 1 Theft from motor vehicle. A woman had a bag and lunchbox stolen from her car, which was parked on the 7100 block of Sprague Street.

Feb. 2 Shoplifting. A witness reported seeing five juveniles leave the Mt. Airy Wawa, located on the 7200 block of Germantown Avenue, with snacks and soda they did not pay for.

Feb. 2 Theft. A complainant reported having a package stolen from their home, which is located on the 300 block of West Mt. Airy Avenue.

Feb. 5 Theft. A complainant reported having a package stolen from their home, which is located on the 100 block of East Mt. Pleasant Avenue.