CHCA Agenda

Posted 2/8/24

Monday, Feb. 19 - 7:00 pm, via Zoom

Combined Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee and Development Review Committee Meeting – This is the official RCO meeting


•  209 W. Chestnut Hill Avenue (Zoned RSD-1) - Greylock - This property was the subject of previous meetings of these committees to review a plan put forward by the owner to convert the existing buildings to dwelling units, build two houses, and one multi-family dwelling. This plan generated refusals from L&I for the erection of a structure (b) for use as a multi-family household living for five (5) …

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CHCA Agenda


Monday, Feb. 19 - 7:00 pm, via Zoom
Combined Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee and Development Review Committee Meeting – This is the official RCO meeting
•  209 W. Chestnut Hill Avenue (Zoned RSD-1) - Greylock - This property was the subject of previous meetings of these committees to review a plan put forward by the owner to convert the existing buildings to dwelling units, build two houses, and one multi-family dwelling. This plan generated refusals from L&I for the erection of a structure (b) for use as a multi-family household living for five (5) dwelling units with seven (7) attached accessory private parking garages. For the erection of two (2) structures (a1 & a2) for use as a two (2) family household living each (total four dwelling units); with four (4) attached accessory private parking garages in each structure. For change in use of an existing structure for use as a multi-family household living for four (4) dwelling units with four (4) attached accessory private parking. For change in use of an existing structure for use as a two (2) family household living. For Installing a swimming pool and an accessory structure. For the erection of two detached accessory private residence garages (c1&c2) for use as three (3) parking spaces each. For nine (9) accessory off-street surface parking spaces. Size and location as shown in application/plan. The reason for Refusal is: 1) Multiple Principal Buildings in
Residential Districts; 2) Steep Slope 3) Tree Replacement  This Feb. 19 meeting is a resumption of the CHCA meeting process to review updated plans.

 9600 Stenton Avenue (Zoned RSD-1) - Morris Arboretum -   For the erection of a detached one-story structure to use for model train storage shed and roof-covered porch as part of Morris Arboretum (park and open space - Passive recreation) with other existing structures and uses on the lot as previously approved. Size and location as shown on the plan. Reason for Refusal is: No more than one principal building is allowed per lot in RSD zoning district, and addition of new structures on the lot requires a variance by zoning board of adjustments